Helmet Stickers for UNC vs. Georgia Tech


In what was the largest come-from-behind victory in Tar Heels history, UNC beat Georgia Tech in Atlanta—the last time since ’97. Carolina was victorious 38-31 and rallied from a 21-0 hole second quarter deficit. Keeping It Heel would love to hand out Helmet Stickers for all the Tar Heels, but there were a few players we feel should be singled out in particular this week.

Helmet Sticker #1: Marquise Williams

Bouncing back after being benched against Delaware, Williams left no doubt who the UNC QB will be going forward.

Marquise ran for two touchdowns and 148 yards, caught another TD on a trick reverse-pass and went 13-24 for 134 yards in the air. He also had zero turnovers. Zero. Let’s not fool ourselves, these are impressive numbers. Even more impressive, though? The timing of these plays.

Williams found his team down early, 21-0 on the road against a team that seemingly had the Tar Heels number. Georgia Tech was playing lights out. Their triple-option was slicing holes in Carolina’s defense and UNC’s offense was sputtering.

But Williams kept fighting.

He had a fourth-down, 28-yard TD run with less than five minutes left in the game. Then, directly following a GT fumble, UNC called a trick reverse-pass. It completely caught the Yellow Jackets off guard and Marquise caught the pass for a touchdown. This left less than four minutes left in the fourth quarter and Chapel Hill left Atlanta with a victory—their first one there since ’97.

Helmet Sticker #2: Elijah Hood

Elijah Hood. This is a name you will continue to read in the stat sheet for UNC. The 6’0, 220 pound underclassman continued to put up large stats.

Hood did not shy from the bright lights of Bobby Dodd Stadium in Atlanta. In fact, it seemed to drive him to ask for the ball even more. Elijah went for 60 yards on 12 touches and two TDs.

It was Hood who put UNC on the scoreboard first, with his two yard punch in the second quarter. Then, again, in the third quarter. Elijah punched Chapel Hill into pay dirt from the one yard line.

Through and through, it looks as if sophomore Elijah Hood is Mr. Reliable in the red zone. That’s great news for UNC going forward and will help set the tone for seasons to come.

Helmet Sticker #3: UNC Defense

Gene Chizik’s squad stumbled early in the game. It wasn’t even that they were playing poor or giving up massive plays to the Yellow Jackets. Georgia Tech’s triple-option offense was just really, really good. UNC fell behind 21-0 by the second quarter.

Chapel Hill suddenly fell behind against a team they haven’t beaten on the road for nearly 20 years, trying to stop an offense few teams play, and were in a hole early.

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Needless to say, it looked like a bumpy rest of the afternoon.

Luckily though, Gene’s defensive genes began to transmute to this Chapel Hill defense and they started locking things down.

The Tar Heels’ defense only allowed 51 rushing yards in the second half and stopped Georgia Tech on the one yard-line twice, causing UNC to get the ball back. They caused and recovered a GT fumble that led to an immediate Chapel Hill touchdown.

Tell us who you think deserves a helmet sticker in the comments section below.