Allstate Insurance releases classic commercial revolving around the Duke/UNC rivalry

North Carolina Tar Heels fans will certainly relate well to Allstate's latest commercial!
Check Allstate First - Check You Outfit :15
Check Allstate First - Check You Outfit :15 | Allstate

If we were in the business of grading commercials, Allstate Insurance Company would get an A++++!

The company's latest advertisement hits home for many North Carolina Tar Heels fans. It begins by showing a house that features a handful of die-hard Tar Heel fans, as there's no doubt as to where their loyalty lies.

From there, the doorbell rings, and a young man (wearing a Duke shirt), is standing waiting to be let in. Seeing this, the family is appalled, as the young man quickly closes the door to leave.

The commercial, called "Check Your Outfit" is a fitting one, as many North Carolina Tar Heel fans would react the same way if this happened to them. Unfortunately, it seems like the young girl, who was born into the Tar Heel legacy, was heartbroken by this sudden development, but in the long run, we all know that she can do better!

I don't know about you, but if a Duke fan showed up to my house wearing Blue Devil gear, I would most certainly not allow them into my home, especially on the day of the annual Duke vs. North Carolina rivalry game.

This commercial serves as a friendly reminder that you're not always going to agree with a potential partner on certain things. However, the North Carolina vs. Duke rivalry is one that is non-negotiable, as you must be wearing and supporting the right shade of blue in order to make things work.

