The UNC basketball program will be well-represented at the upcoming Formula Zero community event, as one current and one future Tar Heel will participate.
First, it was announced that UNC basketball standout Caleb Love was named a “College Counselor” for the upcoming Formula Zero event.
Now, the current Tar Heels guard will be joined by a future North Carolina guard.
Welcome to The Formula, we are excited to get to work and create a new normal.
— Formula Zero (@frmlazro) July 25, 2022
Jackson Shelstad - @JacksonShelstad
Aaron Powell - @aaron_powe11
Scotty Middleton - @ScottyMiddleto9
Simeon Wilcher - @SimeonWilcher #TheFormula
Class of 2023 commit Simeon Wilcher has been invited to attend this community, which is led by NBA superstar Damian Lillard. The Roselle, New Jersey native is just one of 20 high school players to receive this impressive invitation.
In case you’re curious about what Formula Zero is, here’s a breakdown, courtesy of the community’s official website:
"Formula Zero is a community of elite basketball players led by Damian Lillard and Phil Beckner. This community is not for everyone. It exists only for those that have an obsessive and relentless passion to do things differently. This Formula is not fake or superficial. It impacts real change and has molded one of the best players on the planet. We care about you and want to tell you the truths that will help you succeed. If you are fortunate enough to be invited just know; we want nothing from you, but everything for you."
Essentially, this is a limited community of elite basketball players, both at the high school and college levels. Players were selected based on the characteristics that define them, as they’ll come together from August 3-7 to get some exclusive work on the court.
Through the AAU circuit, Wilcher’s dominant play has caught the attention of many analysts who closely cover these events. As his stock continues to rapidly rise, it will only make fans of the UNC basketball program even more excited for his arrival on campus next summer.
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