The 2017 title team will get their championship rings on September 9th, but the ring ceremony will be unique.
As first reported by Adam Lucas, UNC is planning on having a different ring ceremony for the 2017 National Championship team.
On September 9th, at halftime of the UNC-Louisville football game, the title team will be presented with their rings.
But the part that makes it unique is the thing that separates UNC from other schools.

UNC will have its family tradition on full display for the ring ceremony. The national title teams of the past, 1957, 1982, 1993, 2005, and 2009, will present this team with their championship rings.
The family aspect of the Tar Heel program has long been its tradition, but this is taking it to another level.
Former Tar Heel players go all over the world to continue their playing career. This will be a great sign of respect for all of the former players that show up.
You can expect Lennie Rosenbluth to be there, and maybe Michael Jordan. You can be assured of Eric Montross and Sean May, and of course, Psycho T should be there.
This will be a reunion of sorts. A reunion of some great Tar Heels to be remembered.
Or maybe, just maybe, it will be the welcoming of the 2017 team into the illustrious fraternity of the past Tar Heel championship teams.
My guess would be the latter.
A welcome party, for this great 2017 team, to the immortal group of Tar Heel legends.
But no matter what you think, you can rest assured this will be a party. Plenty of recruits should be in attendance. There will also be tons of A-list Tar Heel stars.
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And you can bet your bottom dollar Coach Dean Smith will be looking down, smiling, because this is something he built.