Three Questions

1. Who replaces Theo Pinson in the starting lineup?
As I have mentioned, Theo Pinson can not be easily replaced by just one individual. It will be a team effort. Roy Williams has said that Nate Britt, Kenny Williams, and Brandon Robinson will get first dibs on those minutes.
Being a senior Nate Britt should get first dibs. Kenny Williams brings more shooting and spacing to the floor, which can only help the Heels. Meanwhile Brandon Robinson can also hit the three and brings similar length as Pinson, though not the same size. If one could emerge early, it would make life easier for Roy and the bench.
2. Who steps up to lead this team?
In addition to losing 29.6 points, 12.9 rebounds, and 5.3 assists per game, the graduation of seniors Marcus Paige and Brian Johnson left UNC with a big hole in leadership. Paige was the quiet locker room presence who was the face of the team. Johnson was the fiery floor leader who wore his heart on his sleeve. Good teams need leaders and the Heels lost two great ones.
The best candidates to step up are Meeks and Berry. Meeks would fit in great in the Paige role. When he was a senior in highschool, he swore he was going to get Andrew Wiggins to come to UNC. Nobody laughed when he said this. Even though it didn’t happen, it shows he can lead behind the scenes.
Meanwhile Berry’s aggressiveness and defense make him a natural fill for the Johnson role. This is what led to him being named ACC Tournament MVP. It is isnt about position when it comes to leadership. it is about character. Both of these guys have character.
3. Can UNC establish an outside threat?
Since the loss of PJ Hariston, UNC has lacked a true three point threat. UNC only made 226 three point field goals last season (around 5.5 per game). They also shot only 32% from beyond the arc. Though that is better than the year before when they only made 184, that is still not a great number.
Their top three point shooter was Marcus Paige for a second year in a row. Again he graduated leaving the team with a bunch of questions from behind the arc. With Paige gone the Heels only bring back two guys who attempted over 100 triples last season. That does not help floor spacing. If someone doesn’t step up, the paint could be crowded for the Heels strength once again this season.