This is a debate that is heard often in athletics, but it has recently become a big debate again because South Carolina Head Football Coach Steve Spurrier, told the press that college athletes should be paid $3.5k – $4k. Now, Spurrier is already college football’s most hated coach, and I’m wanting to think he said that to give us another reason to hate him.
I’ll be honest with you from the get go! No, I do not believe college athletics should be paid. Why? Well, as I told Troy Williams via Twitter yesterday, “Your salary is your full rude, all expenses paid scholarship. Should students who makes the dean’s list get paid too?” The idea to actually write this article did not come from Spurrier’s comments, however it did help me out in writing it. The idea came from Troy Williams’ tweet about writing this paper, which he chose to write for a final paper for one of his classes. So I thought I’d take this debate online, share my opinions, and then see what others at Keeping It Heel think too!
College athletes argue that they’re name is used to sell games, tickets, and merchandise. They’re wrong. They’re names are not in video games, nor on merchandise. Granted some athletes are used in tickets, but if they want money for it and won’t get it, they should argue they’re not getting paid. In which the school should respond, we gave you a free ride, we can use you on our ticket stubs.
“Well we play just as hard if not harder than professional players to get noticed.” Well if you’re that good, why don’t you just skip college and go professional immediately? College is a stepping stone for players to develop into professional athletics. If college players get payed, what’s next high school athletics? Give me a break!
Here’s what Keeping It Heel Staff members had to say:
Michael: I think they should get a stipend–much as many academic or ROTC scholarships get. Colleges make bank on college athletes. We can say a scholarship is some form of payment but by no means is it near the same level as the benefit these schools make monetary wise.
Haley: They already are with a scholarship. Ask yourself this…Would you want to have paid LDII or any of the Wears? Or Donte paige Moss plus their scholarship?
Horran: I think they should. If a jersey is being sold and its their numbers and people are buying the jersey due to the player and/or the university.
Monica: I’m not sure I would compare college athletes to members in ROTC. I think serving in the military and playing a game are apples and oranges. They shouldn’t be paid by the university. I’m not 100% up to date on the rules, but they should be able to hold jobs during the offseason. But I will go on the record saying that in addition to receiving a free education, they also receive other perks. College athletes have rock star status on campus and get treated as such. The question is do you just pay the stars who bring in the money or everyone including the third string point guard?