Boo yah! Holla at this playa when you see him in the street! He’s as cool as the other side of the pillow! Call him butter, because he’s on a roll! Don’t hate the playa, hate the game! A few of the numerous catch-phrases from the University of North alumnus and ESPN commentator, Stuart Scott. He has gotten criticized for being “too hip” or talking in a “hip hop fashion.” Some people feel that he makes SportsCenter about himself. Some people that his trademark remarks are corny and outdated. Rest assured, when you become popular, there will people who love you and hate you. We cannot please everybody. First and foremost, we have to be happy with ourselves.
Aside from the NFL Draft, NBA Draft, March Madness, NBA Playoffs, the 2012 Olympics and UNC basketball players announcing their plans to forego their amateur status, I wanted to give Stuart Scott props and encouragement. Stuart Scott encompasses everything that the UNC represents. He is probably the most popular non-athlete from Carolina. Not too bad for a brother who attended R. J. Reynolds in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. I like Stuart Scott. However, I did not realize how important he was to Carolina and Tar Heel Nation until he hosted “Late Night with Roy” in October, 2011. He was emotional about being back home at Carolina. Like me, Stuart made his alma mater the same university that also housed his favorite basketball team. Like me, Stuart Scott has had endured some obstacles in life that have not sidelined his goals and plans because they are just bumps in the road to success. Like me, Stuart Scott is a father who loves his children unconditionally. Like me, Stuart Scott is a Tar Heel.
I have to admit that I got choked up a little when UNC coach Roy Williams presenting Stuart Scott with an award at “Late Night with Roy.” Scott’s battle with stomach cancer was mentioned that evening. Stu has been battling cancer for a second time. Stu takes so much pride in being a Tar Heel. It is evident on SportsCenter. However, now is the time when we need to support Stuart Scott. I was up early the other morning (daggum insomnia), and came across tweets from Stu. He was cracking jokes and sharing parts of personal life including his battle with cancer. His enthusiasm and positivity should be well-documented. After enduring chemotherapy, this playa does P90X. If that doesn’t deserve respect, Stu goes on about his life like it’s nothing. He is not holding his head down, or being negative. This is encouraging to others, including myself. Although I do not have cancer to my knowledge, I am inspired by Stu’s “in-your-face” approach towards his current obstacle. I do not know what my future holds. However, I do know that I will not allow any situation to get me down to the point where I feel sorry for myself, or desire sympathy. Stu is clearly NOT a victim. He is a survivor and a warrior.
Some people may not like his shtick, but his catch-phrases are a part of his personality. For the record, I love his catch-phrases though you should know this by now. Hate him or love him, this underdog is on top of the sports broadcasting industry. Stu revolutionized how sports broadcasters talk. He made SportsCenter cool and fun to watch. During his career, Stu has had the opportunity to interview President Bill Clinton and President Barack Obama. He commentates on professional football and professional basketball. Heck, Stu has even been in several movies including “Drumline,” “Just Wright,” “He Got Game,” “Mr. 3000,” “Enchanted,” and “Herbie Fully Loaded.” Who knew that talking about sports could take someone to Hollywood? SAG card anyone? Literally, he makes a lot of money hanging out at the barbershop; however, he does it with poise, creativity, humor and intellect. Trust me. I’m not hating the playa or the game here. Just giving ‘ol Stu props. Here’s to Stuart Scott. We love how you smile when you discuss a clip or story pertaining the University of North Carolina. One day, you will be inducted in to Basketball Hall of Fame for what you. Keep up the great work. Tar Heel Nation appreciates and loves Stuart Scott. Next time you see this playa in the street, holla at him! Boo yah!