Want To Be A UNC Tar Heel Sports Writer? Keeping It Heel Is Hiring

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Keeping it Heel is continuing it’s efforts to expand it’s staff.  We have recently added 5 writers to our staff and there are still spots available on keeping it heel.     We are especially seeking University of North Carolina current students as well as alumni to add to our staff.

Description: Staff Writer Keeping it Heel is looking to add staff writers to fall into one of two categories.  The first being the core sports writers focusing primarily on basketball and football coverage.  The second being a specialty writer in any of the following sports: Hockey, Soccer, Baseball, Lacrosse and Women’s Sports.  Writers who can comment on recruiting are especially in need.

While this is primarily a sports site we would like to add 2 special corespondents to the team a campus corespondent to report on all things around campus in UNC.  And a special bar corespondent to contribute to a new Tar Heel Bars feature that will have reviews of each UNC bar on campus .  We are especially seeking University of North Carolina current students as well as alumni to add to our staff.


– Submit two columns per-week at agreed upon days and times.  (campus corespondent required 1 submission per week)

– Responsible for coming up with original, numerous and provocative content that will help spur conversation and debate.

-Submit articles that are well formatted and free of errors.

-Writers should be active in participating in the comments section of not only their columns but the columns of other writers on the site.

Experience writing in WordPress is preferred but not required.

We are looking for very strong writers.

Reliability is a must.

To apply: Please submit a brief cover letter explaining why you want to write for Keeping It Heel. Please also include a writing sample of at least 500 words that you feel best represents the type of work you feel you can provide on a week-to-week basis.

This is not a paid position.

Other Openings at Keeping it Heel and Details on applying after the jump

Art Director: Keeping It Heel is looking for an art director to create graphics for the sites featured columns.  KIH runs several weekly columns that need a touch of style.  The sites art director will be expected to communicate with the sites staff on a weekly basis and provide the site with quality, original graphics.  Applications for art directors should design a new main symbol for KIH with emphasis on originality.

Photographer: Any student photographers or hobbyist that want to see their pictures of around campus and especially at sporting events on the web?  Keeping it Heel is looking for a campus photographer to submit photos for the sites features section and to be used in author posts.  Photographers applications will be considered on a case by case basis, please send at least 10 sample photos with a brief bio of your photography work and experience.  Candidate should have regular access to University campus and frequent sporting events.

UNC Campus Bar Corespondent: We are looking for someone to contribute to a new Tar Heel Bars feature that will have reviews of each UNC bar on campus, this could be a regular thing or a 1 time series depending on the candidate.  Sample submission should be a review of 1 UNC bar or a side by side comparison of competing establishments.  Candidate should be a UNC student or someone who frequents the Tar Heel campus bar scene.

These are not paid positions
*Application submission details below*

Here at  Keeping It Heel  we do our very best to bring you the very best UNC coverage on the net!

Part of the mission of the FanSided  Network, is to encourage our community of readers to share their opinions and thoughts on their favorite teams. Our writers don’t hold back and we don’t expect our readers to either. We want to give you the best coverage and opinions on your favorite team from the fan perspective that is so often missing from traditional sports media. We believe sports coverage doesn’t have to be dry, boring and without opinion.

Keeping it Heel  is the newest site on the FanSided Network  and we are expanding our staff here at Keeping it Heel to give you more content and a broader perspective!

These positions are not paid although many of our contributing writers and other staff members move into paid staff positions as vacancies and opportunities arise. Being a writer or contributor for a FanSided blog also offers excellent exposure and a chance to sharpen not only your skills but your view of your favorite team. There is tremendous opportunity for growth within FanSided to those who seek it.

If you are interested in being a regular contributor to Keeping it Heel, please submit a writing sample concerning the Tar Heels sports, any category listed above is acceptable. Applicants sample should be roughly between 300-500 words.  Applicants applying for non writer positions please see the posting for details.

Please send all submissions to: keepingitheel@gmail.com.

We will be contact all applicants within 5 days regardless of interest. Thanks in advance for applying and for sharing your work.

To suggest a UNC or ACC related news piece or to link your site to our blog roll and news wire contact keeping it heel founder and president  Matt Hamm via email keepingitheel@gmail.com.

Thanks and Keep it Heel!

*By submitting a sample you agree that keepingitheel.com can use any of your sample at its own desire at any time with or without crediting you regardless of submitters application status.*