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Larry Fedora has the pedigree to run a program in a BCS conference. Offensively his teams are fun to watch. He recruits like a mother enticing five star recruits to the backwater that is Hattiesburg. He strikes me as a no nonsense kind of guy. He is everything one could ask for in a football coach.
And he is totally the wrong guy to lead Carolina out of the post Butch mess.
First off he will not be cut ANY slack by admissions. So forget about culling five star recruits who are perform at a one star level in the classroom. After the mess that Torbush and Bunting left the program in I think the powers that be were willing to let things slide for Butch figuring he was not going to get the program in trouble. Then again did anybody foresee Butch having a program that spiraled out of control? Whoever is the next Tar Heel coach will be hamstrung by not only whatever sanctions the NCAA sends Carolina’s way. But he will also have an administration which has always been hesitant to accept those with a suspect academic resume and which will be in a zero tolerance mood regarding that issue. You have to have players. Larry will have a hard time finding enough that can pass muster.
Larry also comes off as a little rough hewn for the Chardonnay and Camembert crowd. I can tell you right now this man is going to say things that will offend the wine and cheese crowd sensitive sensibilities. Mack Brown had the innate charm to get people to buy in. He knew how to measure his words to relay his message to fit the mindset of his fan base. Butch knew how to glad hand as well. And Larry may well know how to glad hand to a particular type of booster, but I don’t think he is quite prepared for the Muffy and Biff’s of the Carolina fan base. To be blunt this man will come off to the neo-intellectual sect of Tar Heel nation as a redneck. Larry is far too apt to break out the phrase that personally makes me cringe, ‘you know’. Larry, take a page from Al Davis, the proper way to phrase that
is ‘do you know what I mean’. Using ‘you know’ shows a lack of culture and that could be something that causes those who really matter to be immediately put off. This man is a football coach. In Chapel Hill you need someone who is every bit of a politician as well. Larry Fedora does not come off with enough charm to be elected dog catcher.
Lastly Larry Fedora is the wrong man for the job because of the reason many a man has been wrong for the job over the years, he will despise playing second fiddle to the basketball program. Jim Tatum didn’t like it, and that was back when hoops had just become a big deal. By the time Bill Dooley came along basketball was so well entrenched as the first love of Tar Heel nation he could never get over that, he could never accept that his team was going to always be second in most peoples hearts. Mack Brown found out the hard way that no matter how well you do in Chapel Hill on the gridiron that you are just the opening act, never the headliner. And much as Butch tried to get Carolina to buy in, he had to know in his heart no matter how much money and effort he got people to throw behind the program that all bets were off once the first ticks come off the clock for the first basketball contest.
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